Ohio charter number lookup
Ohio charter number lookup

ohio charter number lookup

The use of numbers in a name, including using numerals versus spelled out numbers.The following differences will make a name distinguishable in Ohio: In Ohio, a distinguishable name is one that is substantively different from all other existing or reserved business names in the state. It is important that your name be distinguishable from all other business names. Your name cannot include the following unless the LLC is registered as a cooperative: cooperative, coop, co-operative, or co-op.įor more information, check out Ohio’s official state statutes.Your name cannot include any of the following words without prior approval from the superintendent of financial institutions: bank, banker, banking, trust, or words of similar meaning in any other language.Your name cannot incorrectly or improperly imply that the business is affiliated with a government agency.Your name cannot contain profanity or words or phrases that are generally considered a slur against an ethnic group, religion, gender, or heredity.Ohio also has the following restrictions for LLC names: These words, such as “FBI” or “Treasury,” are often restricted to keep your LLC from sounding like an official institution. Your name must be distinguishable from any existing business in the state.Your name must include the phrase “limited liability company” or one of the following: LLC, L.L.C., limited, ltd., or ltd.The federal tax identification number (also known as an employer identification number or EIN) is a nine-digit number assigned solely to a business by the Internal Revenue Service.Some key guidelines for Ohio LLC names include: Routing Transit Number(RTN) is a unique identifier assigned to financial institutions by the American Bankers Association(ABA). The OCC Charter number is assigned by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to all entities to which it grants a charter. The NCUA Charter number is assigned to credit unions including corporate central credit unions by the National Credit Union Administration for all NCUA-insured credit unions and some non-federally insured credit unions. The Legal Entity Identifier(LEI) is a 20-digit alpha-numeric reference code to uniquely identify a legally distinct entity that engages in a financial transaction.

ohio charter number lookup

The FDIC Certificate ID is a number assigned to each head office depository institution by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC). All institutions will have at least one unique identifier.

Ohio charter number lookup